Defending An Assault Charge Toronto | Trusted Legal Counsel To Help You

If you have been charged with a common assault in Canada, we can help you navigate through the complexities of your case using our trusted legal counsel and wealth of knowledge. We can help tailor your case to favourable circumstances while relieving you of the stressful legal process.

Defending your assault charge in Toronto should be approached with experience and commitment. At Erickson Law, we study your delicate legal matters and prepare your case encompassing all the details to help you achieve a positive outcome. While there are various forms of ‘assault’ identified under the Canadian Criminal Code, it is imperative that you have qualified legal counsel to fight for your innocence and defend your case.

It is imperative that you hire a lawyer that works tirelessly to ensure that you get the justice you deserve. We know that the legal process can bring on financial burdens and mental hardships, and that is why we welcome individuals of all personal circumstances and backgrounds. True justice does not discriminate, and we will protect you during stressful legal proceedings.

Assault charges are taken very seriously by the legal system in Toronto, and can have severe consequences if convicted – which is why at Erickson Law we ensure the steps we take are optimal for protecting your rights. If you are facing such a charge, John Erickson can provide the legal assistance you seek as an experienced domestic assault lawyer. When it comes to finding a reliable domestic assault lawyer in Toronto, Erickson Law offers several distinct advantages.With a strong track record of success in various areas of criminal law, visit Erickson Law’s testimonials page which showcases the positive outcomes clients have achieved when turning here for legal support.

At Erickson Law we have a commitment to providing affordable representation without compromising on quality. We understand that legal fees can be a concern for many individuals, which is why our complimentary first-time consultations are a necessity. This allows potential clients to discuss their case with John Erickson and determine if he is the right fit for their legal representation, all at no additional cost.